Sunday, December 30, 2012


I have been thinking about how to go about choosing my creative exercises for this project. So far my thoughts are that they should offer me challenge, taking me beyond my previous experience, addressing my fears or any hesitation I have, or doing something that I am mildly uncomfortable with. Some of these things are:

• Realistic painting with acrylic
• Large pieces
• Portraits
• New techniques or mediums

Today I found that my mind wandered a lot during meditation. I started with a 15 minute sit today and didn't notice the additional 10 minutes really. Andy asked what my motivation is for meditation. I suppose my answer to that would be clarity in my mind, focused attention, and noticing the things that are going on in front of me at all times (the small miracles). I have been quite a frenetic multi-tasker and used to pride myself on this, but don't want to be that way about it anymore. I am more interested in one thing at a time and really being there with that thing whether it be artwork or a friend.

Some of the ideas that came to me about what to do were a solar system (large), Carolyn's farmer's market piece (long overdue and much procrastinated on), a portrait of my husband, painting farm fields (love), bas relief animals for the junior league show.

Today I used a technique taken from a cloth/paper/scissors post where you tack up a number of telephone book pages on a wall, and beginning with your non-dominant hand, paint a face. Chair popped into my mind so I went with it, and did 4 chairs with my left and 4 chairs with my right hand. Using the ND hand is supposed to stimulate the right brain. When they dried, I mounted two of each onto heavy watercolor paper with gel medium, and I will deal with them again by painting them (or maybe using other techniques). It was complete immersion, a flow experience, exciting and fun.