Thursday, January 3, 2013

Baker Creek Star

Today's creative project is an origami star that I found on Pinterest and decided to try using catalogue pages from the gorgeous heirloom seed place in Petaluma. It was fun, but a little frustrating as I could not get all the points to slide in all the way. I will try this again with different paper and adjust it because I now know at what point I may run into problems. Fun though.

Yesterday was the first day back at school and a lot of stress came charging in on me. Preparing for the Scholastic submissions, requiring lots of forms and preparation of artwork as well as meeting with the Fairfield History Museum about teaching this summer and big changes on the freelance job with the bag company. Lots to do. This is where my new found calm and peaceful mind should help me. I guess what will help is remembering that I can choose to have a peaceful mind. Once I realized I would not get it all done I was ok, but it is hard to accept that flaw in myself. Somehow I feel like I must please everyone, and that I had failed and was BAD to not have gotten it all done sooner. Why do I think of myself this way? It will get done, and will be fine. Maybe just knowing THAT is the first step?