Wednesday, January 9, 2013


This mandala was the result of three days of art making practice. I started with two rings, then did two more, then the rest. I really loved making it and am pretty satisfied with the result. 

My initial thought was to do something inspired by the image that I used for the banner for this blog. When I was moving into the center of this piece, I had a nagging desire to change the triangles to something else, which I did. But another part of me wondered why I couldn't stick with the same thing and go all the way into the center like the banner. Like I got bored with it and needed to move on.

My meditation practice has been consistent and not feeling any particular way other than that. I still feel that Andy talks too much and that very little time is still and quiet. I am thinking of asking for my money back and doing something on my own, or following another guiding meditation. I do feel that my mood is good, and that I feel overall calm and relaxed.