Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sky and Tree

Blue Sky Acrylic
Black Acrylic Tree

On New Year's Day I was reminded of the idea of a Blue Sky, one which resonates with me because I LOVE the skies of the west, the open blue sky in Colorado and the cloud fields in South Dakota. The blue sky imagery I am speaking of now is in relationship to meditation, that there is always a clear blue sky underneath, even if there are clouds and storms and other distracting things passing by. I also wanted to practice the technique of blending acrylic paint. I was disappointed at the outcome of this piece and was not as comfortable as I would like to have been while doing it.

The tree I did today, another image I really like...representing growth and nature. I considered painting the tree on the canvas but wasn't ready to give up my blue sky just yet. I also want to try a transfer method with the tree which I saw on a You Tube video. I don't know if I can do it on the box canvas or not so will try it on other fabric first. We'll see.

Meditation is going fine. I am following Andy's guided meditations, and sometimes feel like he talks too much. When he is talking ABOUT counting breaths, it takes away from my actually counting. Not sure if I will do this every day. I do like his concepts, and the interesting thing I experienced during the last two days was at the end, when he suggests that you let your mind just be, allowing thoughts to pass through, I have experienced the most open mind and no thoughts.