Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Winter Tree

I painted this tree on the background that I made a little while ago. I really like the result and really loved painting it. Making the branches and twigs was very meditative and rhythmic, easy, organic, spontaneous. Very fun.

I am inspired to do more of this type of thing. One idea I had was to show more trunk and do a very colorful owl in a hole in the tree. I also was thinking of birch trees on a beautiful sky background. Of course cloud painting being one of my goals would fit into the progression here, would be a challenge of something I have procrastinated about.

My freelance job for RTR is taking some time, and many changes are being made as we are going along. I feel a little cranky at them, and the job possesses too much of my mental energy. I really would like to be making art more and more. This project is creating a monster in me.