Saturday, March 30, 2013


So, for the past week or so I have been creating these aboriginal inspired designs for Keri at the Giftwrap Company. I was wary of doing this at first, because I really wanted my study to be about me, and my creativity, and I was concerned that Keri might art direct me too much to make it feel meditative. But I was drawn to the aboriginal influence and was inspired by the books and images I got from the library.

Paul said that Keri probably made this connection through my collages before she suggested I try my hand at this. These have been super time consuming, and the last two I spent close to 5 hours on a piece. I have no problem with that, but I am somewhat falling behind on other responsibilities that I need to keep up with. I like the designs, but feel they could use some color tweeking to be used how she imagined them to be used. We'll see what happens. Glad they are in her hands now.

I have been thinking a lot about my project, and am at the point where I need to start to write my paper. So what has this combination of meditation and art making given me?

It has been a wonderful experience and I am so jazzed about art making now. I think that authenticity is the word that describes it best. A certain quality of knowing of self, confidence in a grounded sort of way, that has only to do with who I am and not my relationship to anyone or anything else. I have been toying with the idea of going back to full-time art making, but also think that I should keep up this practice for awhile before making any decisions like that. And get comfortable making commercial work and holding my own.

Of the two "pieces" that I want to make while still doing this project, one will be a farmer's market piece which is well underway, but I put it aside for this freelance assignment. And it's going well, and has delighted me to work on it. Every day another vegetable or wood surface, and I have surprised myself at the likeness to the photo I am working from. It has really been tough to put it aside to do the "work" pieces.

The other piece is a portrait of Pip which I have not even gotten prepared for yet. It may have to go beyond the scheduled "time" allotted for the project.

I have also agreed to do a "cleanse" over the next 10 days with my friend Karen. I am excited because I feel that I have really created anew during this time, and so will also create a new space for health and movement in my body. Yay.