Sunday, March 17, 2013


This is an image I painted of my old bike. It didn't start out to be my bike, it was just a bike, but as I worked on it, it became MY BIKE. I bought this bike, a Schwinn, the icon of my youth, while living in Boulder, CO and although it was never my favorite bike, it represents my time there, the spirit of my time in Boulder, which was a very happy time in my life.

I planned to paint this image for the Greetings from Black Rock auction, and it is only 4 x 6 inches big. But I couldn't give it away, which isn't usually a problem me. I just really like it, and it's really me.

Today I brought 7 paintings to the Junior League building, and now I have no knitting project and no art project in progress right now. It's been a long time that it's been this way, a kind of nice clean slate, and I am excited to start on what's next. What is next??? Don't know. Something grand.

I think I might have to start a farmer's market scene next, and will look at what I have and choose something. Will be fun. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time, but haven't gotten to it, I've procrastinated about it, and have a friend who has been waiting for me to do this painting for a long time.

Yesterday we had graduate school and we had a naturopath/acupuncturist present to us. She was really good and personable and I liked her. She did acupuncture on me and I felt amazing. Made me feel like I should go see her with some of my stuff (which actually is better than it's been). I realized that I have some blockages and from what she said, liver blockage to be specific, which in chinese medicine means stress has gotten to you. I feel that I still need to have more openness in my emotional life, and not hold so much inside. I want to go see Dr. Artemis and ask her to help me to address these things. Starting with diet. Tomorrow.

In so many ways my new practice has made me so happy. I have been pretty private about it, but did show one of my colleagues this blog without letting her read it. I think in my artwork coming up I will try some things again that are different and new for me, and perhaps some real process artwork. What is the difference between process artwork and artwork that is planned? Is it more authentic?