Monday, March 18, 2013

Spiritual Path

Yesterday was a tough day. I was very emotional, and somewhat fearful and angry. It sounded to me like what Artemis was trying to open, opened and I was flooded with an outpouring of "energy" that I had to deal with. Not easy. Pip and I had a little snit, and I brooded over it on and off for the rest of the day.

I had dinner with Sophie and Audrey, and the topic of conversation centered around meditation quite a lot, and one of the main points was that meditation IS the time to BEGIN AGAIN. And also an opportunity to change habitual patterns, as we discussed during the weekend. The old ancestral patterns, and fears, that repeat and repeat. So by beginning again, and letting go of our thoughts, we have the opportunity to really create change. And open up the flow of energy.

This morning, with all my artwork gone, and a new clean slate, I decided to just let it come out. I started in the center and worked outward, ending with the spire at the top. I really like it, and it was very organic in it's creation. If I were to come up with words to describe it, I would use: center, puzzle pieces fitting, city of love, castle, climbing, upward energy, fire, flames. This was a very good art project for me to do today.