Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pratt and Charles

Our dear friend and neighbor Martine, has recently gotten divorced and is moving to Boston. We had a party for her Friday night, and I wanted to give her a gift. This is an example of when you don't know what is inside of you and it just comes out.

There have been 3 families that live close to each other on Pratt and Charles and we have spent many good times together. Snow storms, power outages, martini parties, backyard barbeques, birthdays and other special events. The roof tops shown are the three family's homes. I didn't think it at the time but the eye seems to be looking towards the clouds, to the land of dreams, where there is possibility and light. Although Pratt and Charles is a part of the journey, it is not the destination, but a place to be passed through. But hope is ahead in the blue sky and puffy clouds, good things and happiness.